Kyoto On A Special Day

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Kiyo Mizu Dera which translates to Clear Water Temple is found in Kyoto

This is one of my favourite places. The inner hall with all the Budhist figurines was opened for about a length of time and it is only opened once every 33 years. I was very lucky to catch it being in Japan at the right time, right area.


The raestraunts along the Kamogawa river are great, though you pay an arm and a f&'king leg for the privelage. The restraunts are all alongside private homes and all sorts of other establishments. There is another section where one can dine on verandahs overlooking the river. Very nice indeed. Kamogawa is yet another famous `date course` in Kyoto.

Gaijin in a tea house?? And Chinese tea????

This is my favourite Chinese tea house in Kyoto. Walk out GAP Clothe store in the centre of town and turn left at the top of the stairs that lead out of GAP. Keep walking down the road for about 10 minutes and you will come to this little tea house. Very nice. This Russian girl is the owner`s wife. At the time of the photo she is studying at Kyoto Daigaku, her husband is a Mainland Chinese man who speaks Cantonese, so as you can imagine, I fit right in!


Good selection of teas here, very yummy. I had Kao San Cha here on this occasion.

Eating Road

Back alleyways in Kyoto are lined with restraunts and izakayas of all descriptions. This one leads to avery affordable okonomiyaki shop which we always go to. Sakate Chan loves this place.

2 Hungry People

The place was full and we had to wait. Man we were hungry after all the roving about that day!!

I wanted to swipe this lantern.......

This lantern was at KiyoMizuDera on the night of the special opening. This temple is normally closed at night so the lantern says `special night opening`.

We had a great day that day and ended up home at about 1am. I promise to come back in 33 years to see it all again!! I will be an even older fart then. Since I am in training now, NO WORRIES MATE!