O Yoroi
O Yoroi
Found at the Hikone Jo Museum. Very impressive suits of armour. The length of trouble I had to go through to get these photoes!! Nearly got caught twice as cameras are not permitted in the meseum, NATURALLY!
Aka Yoroi
Aka Yoroi again
As far as I know, this musuem changes its exhibitions quite often. The second last time I visisted there, there was a sword exhibition, attributed to all the Oumi Kami swordsmiths that had been given titles for that area. Wonderful!
Kyoto Taikai Exhibition
All the following 4 were on sale. They are among the best/well preserved yoroi(s) that I have seen in a while.
Kyoto Taikai Exhibition
Kyoto again
Kyoto Yet Again
Himeji Museum
This yoroi was found at the Himeji Castle Mesum, well worth visiting and very much a tourist spot. I highly recommend visiting Himeji.
I have some more photoes from the Tokyo National Museum, so sit tight I will get them on this page soon!