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These are updated photoes from the Osaka Taikai, Dec 3rd, 2000.

Alex Bennet

This is my mate, Alex. He`s Kiwi and has been living in Japan for donkeys years (about 12 I think, correct me if I`m wrong Alex) His ryuha is Hoki Ryu and the dojo he practises in is in Kanzaki Gawa on the Hankyu line. He is the editor for Kendo World. Get yourself a subscrtiption!!

Don`t know his name

This sensei has good iai, not too sure of his ryu ha either.......

Him again

Some of you might have noticed the white bandage on his left finger in the photo above, guess who accidently cut himself? We all do it. I know I have!!

Another sensei

This sensei has strong iai, a lot of kiai in the katas performed.

Opening up a wound.......... Nice.

Higashiguchi Sensei

Here is Higashiguchi sensei doing the uke from Yaegaki, seiza no bu, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu.

Immura Sensei

Immura sensei is the kaicho of Yaegakikai, one of the best Iaido schools in Osaka. He is doing Oroshi from Tatehiza no bu, Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. Immura Sensei is one of my major teachers in Japan.